Data & Facts Book

The Dog Welfare Data & Facts Book: An aggregated list of data and facts about street dogs, shelter dogs, and owned dogs.

Overview | Street Dogs | Shelter Dogs | Owned Dogs


List of Canine Welfare Challenges

Street Dogs (Free-roaming Dogs)

Demographics: Age composition | FRD:Human ratio | FRD per km2 | Health conditions | Life expectancy | Location | Male:Female Ratio | Mortality | Ownership | Pregnancy status | Social behaviour

Human interactions

Rabies: Country-Specific Data | Education | Elimination History | Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices (KAP) | Path to Zero By 30 | Vaccination Campaigns

Dog counting methodologies

Dog population management: Case studies | Modelling

By country: Afghanistan | American Samoa | Argentina | Bangladesh | Brazil | Bulgaria | Bhutan | Canada | Chile | Dominica | India | Indonesia | Italy | Malaysia | Norway | Peru | Samoa | South Africa | Tanzania | Thailand | Ukraine | USA | Zimbabwe

Shelter Dogs

Reducing shelter intake: Reasons for Surrender | Rehoming Mechanisms

Optimizing shelter operations: Refining Intake Practices | Expanding Shelter Capacity

Improving rehoming success: Understanding Adopter Preferences | Expanding Adoption Pipeline | Adopter Screening | Dog Behaviours In Shelters

Post-adoption management: Behaviours | Post-Adoption Support | Reducing Adoption Returns

International rescue: Occurrences & Demographics | Motivations | Behaviours, Health & Relationships

More humane future: Minimizing Euthanasia

By country: Australia | Canada | Denmark | United States

Owned Dogs

What Dogs Bring: Infants & Children

Acquisition: Motivations | Research | Channels | Reality vs. Expectations

Cost of Ownership: Vet Care | Pet Health Insurance

Offering Better Care: Training & Socialization | Vet Care

By country: Bhutan | Bulgaria | Canada | Ethiopia | India | Italy | Kenya | Sri Lanka | Ukraine | United States