Acquisition: Motiviations

Data and facts about the pet dog acquisition process, specifically why people purchase their dogs.

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Designer Crossbreeds

Jump to: UK Study

Purchase of Designer Crossbreeds in the UK

External link: Burnett, E., Brand, C.L., O’Neill, D.G. et al. How much is that doodle in the window? Exploring motivations and behaviours of UK owners acquiring designer crossbreed dogs (2019-2020). Canine Med Genet 9, 8 (2022).

Demographics and Lifestyle

CharacteristicDesigner CrossbreedPurebred
Respondent Age: 45-5427.9%24.0%
Respondent Age: 35-5451.7%44.6%
Respondent Is the Primary Carer57.1%60.2%
Previous Dog Owners46.1%67.6%
First-Time Owners38.0%20.7%
Grew Up with Dog61.2%70.3%
Animal Care Workers5.1%15.1%
Adult-Only Home50.8%59.9%
Live Alone7.6%8.9%
Only Dog82.9%60.7%
Access to shared garden3.1%2.6%
Access to private garden95.0%96.0%
Dog Is Insured87.6%82.5%
Gender of Dog: Female50.0%46.8%
Age at Purchase: 7-8 weeks62.4%62.6%
Price: £2000-£299925.7%15.1%

Most Popular Crossbreeds

Most Popular Designer Crossbreeds%
Golden doodle3.2%

Pre-Purchase Motivations

Reasons Why Owners Wanted To Purchase A Dog
Reason for wanting to purchase a dog
(n = 6281)
Designer crossbreed %
(n = 1568)
Purebred % (n = 4713)Odds Ratio
Companionship for myself68.163.51.23
To encourage myself/my family to walk and exercise63.348.11.52
To improve my/my family’s mental health55.240.61.54
Companionship for other adult(s) in my household38.735.21.06
Companionship for my children30.719.81.28
To keep me/my family busy26.921.91.16
Due to the loss of a previous dog in my household20.732.40.76
Companionship for my other dog(s)12.425.10.67
As a working dog for a specific role (e.g., gundog, security, sniffer/tracking, herding, medical detection, assistance/therapy dog)3.7010.40.45
For a specific non-working role (e.g., dog sports, showing, etc.)1.026.980.21
Characteristics Sought By Owners When Selecting A Puppy To Purchase
Breed/crossbreed characteristic (n = 6175)Designer crossbreed %
(n = 1545)
Purebred %
(n = 4630)
Odds Ratio
Size is suited to my lifestyle74.859.11.86
Good companion73.769.41.15
Generally healthy breed/crossbreed61.242.32.05
Good with children56.042.51.46
Easy to train54.336.41.92
Exercise encouragement34.431.21.06
Friends or family currently own this breed/crossbreed28.921.81.23
Long life expectancy13.515.10.95
Low grooming needs13.116.50.70
Affordable purchase cost of puppies12.96.801.93
I’ve owned this breed/crossbreed before12.842.90.22
Affordable cost of upkeep9.457.041.22
I grew up with or had childhood experiences with this breed/crossbreed8.6121.80.33
Popularity of the breed/crossbreed6.603.761.45
Low exercise requirements5.835.330.94
Working ability of this breed/crossbreed4.9218.10.29
Characteristics of Breeders that Prospective Owners Sought Out
Breeder characteristic (n = 6037)Designer crossbreed % (n = 1511)Purebred % (n = 4526)Odds Ratio
Someone I felt was trustworthy76.679.70.85
They performed health tests for the breed/crossbreed I wanted59.366.20.75
Lived within the distance I was willing to travel48.036.21.63
Availability of puppies at the time I wanted45.937.21.39
They would allow me to see the puppies’ father (sire)40.442.80.95
Reasonably priced puppies37.135.01.13
Bred the colour of the breed/crossbreed I wanted to purchase20.323.30.85
A member of the Kennel Club Assured Breeders Scheme5.2927.40.13
The dogs they bred from had been awarded prizes at dog shows1.4612.00.13

Pre-Purchase Behaviours Of Owners

Sources Of Information Used When Researching Dog Ownership
Source (n = 3798)Designer crossbreed % (n = 1155)Purebred % (n = 2643)Odds Ratio
A breed/crossbreed-specific online resource (e.g., website/forum)
Talking to friends or family who own or had owned a dog74.357.81.66
Social media sites, e.g., Facebook, Instagram52.842.71.42
An animal charity website, e.g., Dogs Trust, RSPCA, PDSA, etc.52.634.61.94
Talking to a dog breeder42.953.40.60
The Kennel Club website37.559.40.34
My veterinary professional (e.g., veterinary surgeon, veterinary nurse)
Other digital sources (e.g., articles on the internet, TV shows)4.072.841.53
Places Owners Found Their Puppy
Places owners found their puppy (n = 6034)Designer crossbreed %
(n = 1509)
Purebred %
(n = 4525)
Odds Ratio
An animal specific selling website, e.g., Pets4Homes, Champdogs55.737.41.89
A general selling website, e.g., FreeAds, Gumtree, Preloved13.87.672.19
I already knew the breeder (e.g., colleague, friends, family, repeat purchase)12.324.80.53
A social media breed/crossbreed specific group9.548.421.15
The Kennel Club website ‘Find A Puppy’ search2.3217.50.01
Recommendation from someone who is not a colleague, friend, family member or animal professional0.662.030.35
Recommendation from another breeder/stud dog owner0.332.210.13
Time Interval And Deposits
CharacteristicDesigner CrossbreedPurebred
Time interval between prospective owners’ initial decision to look for a puppy to
when they brought their puppy home
Time Interval : 1-6 months51.10%48.90%
Time Interval: 1 week – 1 month12.40%9.49%
Time Interval: < 1 week3.76%2.34%
Put down a deposit on the puppy
Deposit before seeing puppy16.40%14.40%
Deposit after seeing puppy58.40%50.30%
Puppy Viewing Practices Prior To The Date The Puppy Was Brought Home
Viewed prior to the date they were brought home (n = 5964)Designer crossbreed
% (n = 1494)
Purebred %
(n = 4470)
Odds Ratio
Yes – visited the breeder’s property in person60.467.00.74
No – I wanted to see my/our puppy, but the breeder refused48.00.760.67
Yes – saw my/our puppy on a live video call with their breeder24.521.41.08
No – the purchase was a rapid decision, so my puppy was brought home on the same day they were viewed4.952.420.41
Purchase Of First-Choice Breeds And Reasons For Not Purchasing First-Choice
First-choice breed? (n = 5964)Designer crossbreed %
(n = 1539)
Purebred %
(n = 4599)
Yes, my puppy/dog is the breed/crossbreed that was my first-choice79.792.5
No, I could not find a seller that had puppies available at the time for my first-choice breed/crossbreed5.522.07
No, I/we didn’t have a specific choice in mind4.681.37
No, puppies of my first-choice breed/crossbreed were too expensive3.641.35
No, I/we changed our mind1.690.59
No, I could not find a breeder I felt happy buying a puppy from for my first-choice breed/crossbreed1.230.98
No, but I had several breeds (>  3) that I was interested in and got one of those0.970.30
No, puppies of my first-choice breed/crossbreed were too far away0.710.02
No, but I had several breeds (≤ 3) I was interested in and got one of them0.710.15
No, I wanted a rescue0.650.41
No, our planned purchase of our first-choice fell through0.260.17

Purchasing Behaviours of Owners

Locations Owners Received Their Puppy
Location (n = 6037)Designer crossbreed % (n = 1511)Purebred % (n = 4526)Odds Ratio
The breeder’s property – from inside their home59.461.80.96
The breeder’s property – from outside their home, e.g., doorstep, garden24.821.41.11
A car park1.320.681.73
Owners’ Requests For Information Related To Health Testing Of Their Puppies’ Parents
Test TypeRequest and Provision of informationDesigner crossbreed %
(n = 1235)
Purebred %
(n = 3718)
Results of DNA (genetic) testsYes, and they provided me with it38.246.0
Yes, but they could not provide me with it3.73.7
No, I didn’t ask about this47.544.2
No, I do not believe there are any tests available for my puppy’s breed/crossbreed10.56.1
Results of veterinary screening tests (e.g., hips, elbows, knees, eyes, respiratory testing)Yes, and they provided me with it41.254.1
Yes, but they could not provide me with it5.04.2
No, I didn’t ask about this44.336.1
No, I do not believe there are any tests available for my puppy’s breed/crossbreed9.65.6
Other Dogs That Were Seen At The Seller’s Premises On The Day Of Purchase Of The Puppy
Other dogs and their relationship to the purchased puppy (n = 5904)Designer
crossbreed %
(n = 1478)
Purebred %
(n = 4426)
Odds Ratio
Their mother (dam)
Their littermates67.778.10.63
Another dog(s) they were not related to (e.g., another breed)35.828.60.97
Their father (sire)21.524.80.51
I only saw my/our puppy13.79.511.21
Adult dog(s) they were related to (e.g., aunts, grandparents, older siblings)3.007.410.43
Other puppies (unsure if they were littermates)4.192.961.41

Research Summary | Back to Top

Pandemic Case Studies

Jump to: Pandemic Puppies in the UK

Pandemic Puppies in the UK

External link: Packer RMA, Brand CL, Belshaw Z, Pegram CL, Stevens KB, O’Neill DG. Pandemic Puppies: Characterising Motivations and Behaviours of UK Owners Who Purchased Puppies during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. Animals. 2021; 11(9):2500.

Owner Demographics and Lifestyle

Owner Demographics
  • Gender:
    • 2019: 92.0% female
    • 2020: 90.0% female
  • Age:
    • Most common age group: 45-54 years old
      • 2019: 25.2%
      • 2020: 24.6%
    • Second most common age group: 25-34 years old
      • 2019: 23.4%
      • 2020: 24.1%
  • Care Responsibilities:
    • Primary caregiver:
      • 2019: 62.9%
      • 2020: 57.8%
    • Shared care:
      • 2019: 34.1%
      • 2020: 39.7%
Experience with Dogs
  • Previous Dog Ownership:
    • 2019: 66.7%
    • 2020: 59.7%
  • Grew Up with a Dog:
    • 2019: 68.1%
    • 2020: 69.3%
  • Employed in Canine/Animal Care:
    • 2019: 17.9%
    • 2020: 10.0%
Household Demographics
  • Household Composition: Pandemic Puppy households were more likely to include both adults and children (33.2%) compared to 2019 households (26.8%).
  • Age of Children in Household: In households with children, Pandemic Puppy households were more likely to have younger children (5-10 years old) (50.3%) compared to 2019 households (37.8%).
    • Conversely, they were less likely to have older teenage children (16-18 years old) (24.8% vs. 35.4%).
  • Number of Dogs in Household: Pandemic Puppy households were more likely to have a single dog (70.1%) compared to 2019 households (58.7%).
  • Household Living Environment: The majority of both Pandemic Puppy and 2019 puppy households had access to a private garden or yard (95.1% and 96.9%, respectively).
Impact of COVID on Household Lifestyle
  • Remote Work: Pandemic Puppy owners were more likely to work from home (57.3%) compared to 2019 owners (51.8%).
  • Home Schooling: Pandemic Puppy owners were more likely to homeschool children (27.5%) compared to 2019 owners (22.7%).
  • Furloughs: Pandemic Puppy owners were less likely to have been furloughed (24.6%) compared to 2019 owners (30.7%).
  • Unemployment: There was no significant difference in the proportion of owners who became unemployed due to COVID-19 between the two groups. (2019: 5.8% vs. 2020: 6.0%)
  • Key Workers: There was no significant difference in the proportion of owners who were key workers or had household members who were key workers. (2019: 34.8% vs. 2020: 33.7%

Puppy Demographics

  • Breed
    • Purebred: 72% of all puppies were purebred.
    • Crossbred:
      • 2019: 18.8% designer crossbreds
      • 2020: 26.1% designer crossbreds
  • Kennel Club Registration:
    • 2019: 58.2% registered with The Kennel Club
    • 2020: 46.2% registered with The Kennel Club
  • Gender: No significant difference in sex distribution between 2019 and 2020 puppies.
    • 2019: 51.7% male
    • 2020: 53.4% male

Pre-Purchase Motivations

  • Sole Decision-Maker:
    • 2019: 46.6%
    • 2020: 41.4%
  • Household Decision:
    • 2019: 41.3%
    • 2020: 45.6%
Reasons for Purchasing A Dog
Reason (n = 5508)Acquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 1148)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 4360)
Companionship for myself64.564.7
To encourage myself/my family to walk and exercise47.653.6
To improve my/my family’s mental health38.146.9
Companionship for other adult(s) in my household34.837.0
Due to the loss of a previous dog in my household30.828.6
Companionship for my children19.124.0
To keep me/my family busy22.823.7
Companionship for my other dog(s)25.719.9
As a working dog for a specific role (e.g., gundog, security, sniffer/tracking, herding, medical detection, assistance/therapy dog)10.47.9
For a specific non-working role (e.g., dog sports, showing, etc.)8.14.1
Due to the ageing of another dog/other pet in my household0.90.7
For breeding1.10.6
Due to the death of another (non-dog) pet in my household0.20.4
Companionship for my other (non-dog) pets0.00.0
Characteristics Sought by Owners When Selecting A Breed
Characteristic (n = 5404)Acquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 1123)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 4281)
Good companion67.970.8
Size suited to my lifestyle59.164.9
Generally healthy breed/crossbreed45.348.4
Good with children38.747.9
Easy to train34.743.3
I’ve owned this breed or crossbreed before40.133.0
Exercise encouragement29.933.0
Friends or family currently own this breed/crossbreed19.824.0
I grew up with or had childhood experiences with this breed/crossbreed18.518.8
Low grooming needs14.216.4
Long life expectancy15.914.2
Working ability of the breed/crossbreed17.513.2
Affordable purchase cost of puppies8.49.3
Affordable cost of upkeep7.78.0
Low exercise requirements5.05.5
Popularity of the breed/crossbreed4.94.4
Other perceived temperament/personality traits3.83.2
None of these options—I did not have any specific characteristics I was looking for3.21.6
I’ve always wanted to own this breed/crossbreed0.50.5
Low or non-shedding0.60.4
Specific genetic characteristics of the breed/crossbreed0.50.4
Celebrity/Influencer endorsement/ownership0.40.1
None of these options—someone else in the household selected the breed/crossbreed of our puppy0.30.1
Characteristics of Breeders that Prospective Owners Sought Out
Breeder Characteristic (n = 5279)Acquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 1101)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 4178)
They would allow me to see the puppies’ mother (dam)90.588.9
Someone I felt cared for their dogs81.784.6
Someone I felt was trustworthy79.278.9
Good communication with me74.278.8
They performed health tests for the breed/crossbreed I wanted66.962.1
They would allow me to see the puppies’ father (sire)44.242.1
Availability of the breed I wanted39.241.8
Lived within the distance I was willing to travel37.540.5
Availability of puppies at the time I wanted38.340.1
Reasonably priced puppies35.536.3
Bred the colour of the breed/crossbreed I wanted to purchase21.021.8
A member of the Kennel Club Assured Breeders Scheme25.220.2
The dogs they bred from had been awarded prizes at dog shows11.38.2
Someone I already knew1.11.1
Registered with the local Council0.50.6
They bred dogs with specific working and/or sporting characteristics1.00.6
They were a member of a specific breed/crossbreed club or association0.20.3
They registered their puppies with an international canine registration body (e.g., FCI)0.00.1

Pre-Purchase Behaviours

Sources of Information Used
  • Pre-Purchase Research: Pandemic Puppy owners were more likely to conduct pre-purchase research (58.1%) compared to 2019 puppy owners (46.7%).
    • Only a small percentage of owners in both groups (3%) reported conducting no pre-purchase research.
Information Source (n = 3362)Acquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 591)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 2771)
Talking to friends or family who own or had owned a dog54.865.3
A breed/crossbreed-specific online resource (e.g., website/forum)54.860.1
The Kennel Club website50.654.2
Talking to a dog breeder53.649.7
Social media sites, e.g., Facebook, Instagram43.547.2
An animal charity website, e.g., Dogs Trust, RSPCA, PDSA, etc.28.845.0
My veterinary professional (e.g., veterinary surgeon, veterinary nurse)14.011.3
Dog-specific magazine(s)6.45.4
Other digital sources (e.g., articles on the internet, TV shows)3.73.2
Talking to a non-veterinary animal professional (e.g., dog trainer, behaviourist)1.01.0
Talking to current dog owners that I met (that were not friends or family)2.41.0
I can’t remember0.80.3
From professional experience with dogs in my workplace0.70.3
Seeking practical experience of caring for dogs (e.g., dog sitting, fostering)0.20.1
Method of Initially Finding Puppy
Method of Initially Finding Puppy (n = 5277)Acquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 1100)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 4177)
An animal specific selling website, e.g., Pets4Homes, Champdogs34.545.0
I already knew the breeder (e.g., colleague, friends, family, repeat purchase)26.819.8
Recommendation from a friend11.514.3
The Kennel Club website ‘Find A Puppy’ search16.911.8
A general selling website, e.g., FreeAds, Gumtree, Preloved9.39.3
A social media breed/ crossbreed specific group8.58.4
The breeder’s website8.77.6
The breeder’s social media account6.56.0
Recommendation from another breeder/stud dog owner1.22.0
Recommendation from someone who is not a colleague, friend, family member or animal professional1.91.6
Dog specific magazine(s)/newspaper(s)0.30.6
An advert seen in another online location0.60.3
The breeder contacted me directly following general expression of interest for a puppy0.10.3
Local newspaper advert0.00.2
Recommendation from an animal professional (e.g., veterinary surgeon, veterinary nurse, dog trainer)0.20.2
Recommendation from a stranger0.20.2
An advert in a local shop0.10.0
A physical advert in another location (e.g., vets noticeboard)0.20.0
Puppy Viewing Practice
Viewing Practice (n = 5280)Acquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 1100)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 4180)
Yes—visited the breeder’s property in person80.659.6
Yes—saw photos or a pre-recorded video of my/our puppy31.251.6
Yes—saw my/our puppy on a live video call with their breeder6.528.9
No—I did not ask to see my/our puppy4.74.9
No—the purchase was a rapid decision, so my puppy was brought home on the same day they were viewed5.12.7
No—I was unable to visit due to the breeder being too far away to travel to1.72.0
No—I wanted to see my/our puppy, but the breeder refused0.11.1
No—but a friend/relative visited the breeder’s property on my behalf0.10.2
Yes—I saw my puppy in person but not at the breeder’s property0.00.1
No—I only spoke to the breeder by telephone0.10.1
No—I asked to visit but personal circumstances meant I was unable to visit myself or get someone else to visit on my behalf0.10.0
  • Owner Suitability: Approximately 25% of owners in both groups were not questioned about their suitability as dog owners.
  • First-Choice Breed: Pandemic Puppy owners were less likely to purchase their first-choice breed (86.6%) compared to 2019 puppy owners (91.6%). The primary reasons for this were high costs and limited availability.
First Choice Breed? (n = 5374)2019 (%)
(n = 1118)
2020 (%)
(n = 4256)
No, I could not find a seller that had puppies available at the time for my first choice1.23.8
No, first choice too expensive0.82.8
No, I/we didn’t have a specific choice in mind3.02.7
No, I could not find a breeder I felt happy buying my puppy from for my first choice0.41.3
No, I/we changed our mind1.00.8
No, I/we wanted a rescue dog but were unable to source one0.40.7
No, but I had several breeds (≤3) I was interested in and got one of them0.40.3
No, puppies of my first choice were too far away0.30.2
No, our planned purchase of our first choice fell through0.30.2
No, but I had several breeds (>3) that I was interested in and got one of those0.60.5
  • Multiple Litters: Around one in seven puppies in both groups came from breeders with multiple litters at the same time. (of the same breed, 2019: 8.7% vs. 2020: 10.1%; of a different breed, 2019: 4.6% vs. 2020: 4.4%)

Purchase Behaviour

  • Decision to Acquisition Time: Pandemic Puppy owners took longer to acquire their puppies compared to 2019 owners.
  • Waiting Lists:
    • 2019: 73.0% did not join a waiting list
    • 2020: 71.5% did not join a waiting list
  • Deposits:
    • Paid a deposit before seeing the puppy:
      • 2019: 8.9%
      • 2020: 17.2%
    • Never asked to pay a deposit:
      • 2019: 37.5%
      • 2020: 28.6%
  • Purchase Price: Pandemic Puppy owners paid significantly more for their puppies, with 24.3% spending £2000-£2999. (2019: 1.8%)
  • Puppy Age at Purchase: Pandemic Puppies were more likely to be purchased at a younger age (7-8 weeks) compared to 2019 puppies. (2019: 52.5% vs. 2020: 67.3%)
  • Breeder Pressure: A very small percentage (2019: 1.5% vs. 2020: 2.3%) of owners felt pressured by their breeders.
Locations Owners Received Their Puppy
Location (n = 5280)Acquired in 2019 (n = 1100)Acquired in 2020 (n = 4180)
The breeder’s property—from inside their home84.751.0
The breeder’s property—from outside their home, e.g., doorstep, garden5.529.8
The breeder’s property—an outdoor kennels, barn or outbuilding13.214.8
The breeder delivered my puppy to my property1.05.2
A service station0.01.4
A car park0.31.1
A courier/pet transporter delivered my puppy to my property0.50.9
Breeder/courier met us half way (location unspecified)0.10.5
The breeder’s workplace or non-residential property (e.g., holiday home)0.30.4
A veterinary practice0.10.2
Other transport location (e.g., train station or ferry port)0.00.2
Other public location (e.g., park, shop, hotel)0.00.2
An airport0.10.1
A lay-by0.00.1
A friend collected and delivered my puppy for me0.10.0
Owners’ Requests for Information Related to Health Testing of Their Puppies’ Parents
Test TypeRequest and Provision of InformationAcquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 908)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 3509)
Results of DNA (genetic) tests (n = 4296)Yes, and they provided me with it48.540.7
Yes, but they could not provide me with it2.64.3
No, I did not ask about this41.046.7
No, I do not believe there are any tests available for my puppy’s breed/crossbreed8.08.2
Results of veterinary screening tests (e.g., hips, elbows, knees, eyes, respiratory testing) (n = 4394)Yes, and they provided me with it58.146.4
Yes, but they could not provide me with it3.74.8
No, I did not ask about this30.841.2
No, I do not believe there are any tests available for my puppy’s breed/crossbreed7.47.6
Other Dogs Seen at the Seller’s Premises on the Day of Purchase
Other Dogs and Their Relationship to the Purchased Puppy (n = 5168)Acquired in 2019 (n = 1073)Acquired in 2020 (n = 4095)
Their mother (dam)85.775.1
Their littermates84.972.1
Another dog(s) they were not related to (e.g., another breed)33.225.7
Their father (sire)26.923.5
I only saw my/our puppy4.912.7
Adult dog(s) they were related to (e.g., aunts, grandparents, older siblings)8.65.5
Other puppies (unsure if they were littermates)4.32.8
I’m not sure, I wasn’t the person who collected my/our puppy0.20.9
Other puppies my puppy was related to (but not littermates)0.40.3
I don’t remember0.20.2
Another adult dog(s) the breeder claimed were my puppy’s parent(s), but I’m not sure0.30.1
Other puppies they were not related to (e.g., another breed)0.00.0
Puppy Contract
  • Puppy Contract Awareness and Usage:
    • Approximately 40% of owners in both groups were aware of The Puppy Contract.
    • Around two-thirds of those aware used the contract during their purchase.
Reason for not using a puppy contract (n = 689)Acquired in 2019 (%)
(n = 151)
Acquired in 2020 (%)
(n = 538)
I didn’t feel it was needed for the sale of my puppy as I was confident in my own purchasing decision21.928.2
The breeder did not offer to use The Puppy Contract20.522.4
I used a written contract with the breeder, but not The Puppy Contract15.912.4
I didn’t feel it was needed, as the breeder is a friend, family member or someone I’ve bought a puppy from before13.910.2
I didn’t know enough or feel confident enough about The Puppy Contract to use it7.26.3
I forgot to use it when purchasing my puppy2.66.1
I didn’t think it was relevant and/or possible for the sale of my puppy7.35.6
The breeder didn’t agree to use The Puppy Contract when asked0.73.9
I used a verbal contract with the breeder, but not The Puppy Contract:2.62.2
I felt uncomfortable proposing its use and/or feared repercussions of suggesting it0.72.0
I have negative views on the value of The Puppy Contract2.00.9

Influence of COVID-19 on Puppy-Purchasing Decisions

  • New Dog Owners: 11.0% of Pandemic Puppy owners had not previously considered owning a dog.
  • COVID-19 Influence: 41.5% of Pandemic Puppy owners reported that COVID-19 influenced their decision to purchase a puppy.
Reasons Why the Pandemic Influenced Decisions
Reason (n = 2809)%n
I/we had more time to care for a dog86.71378
I/we wanted something happy to focus on30.0477
I/we wanted a reason to go outside to exercise more29.6470
I/we wanted more company due to being at home more24.5390
I/we had extra money to spend that I/we would have usually spent on other things17.7282
I/we wanted more company as family and/or friends were unable to visit me/us9.1144
I/we were bored due to the restrictions imposed by lockdown4.369
My child/children were at home and I/we wanted something to keep them busy4.165
I/we experienced mental health challenges due to the pandemic, that I/we wanted a puppy to help us with0.915
I/we wanted a dog from another source (e.g., rescue) but were unable to due to pandemic, so bought a puppy instead0.813
My/our existing dog experienced mental health challenges due to the pandemic, that I/we wanted a puppy to help them with0.12

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